
Corporate Responsibility

We maintain strong emphasis on corporate responsibility and believe this creates long-term benefits for our business and in the global communities we operate in.

Corporate governance

Focusing on good corporate governance is a part of who we are. Put simply, our quest for competitive excellence begins and ends with our commitment to lawful and ethical conduct. We remain committed to diligently manage our affairs consistent with the highest principles of business ethics.

Our culture builds on a common set of core values, focused on customer centricity, technological ambitions, competitiveness, and cultural sensitivity. Together with our Code of Conduct, these corporate values form the basis for our policies and guidelines regarding our attitudes, behavior and performance as a responsible company, wherever we operate.

Delta’s Code of Conduct sets out the basic rules and guidelines that all employees throughout our international organization, as well as anyone else acting on behalf of Delta, must accept in writing and follow.

We have established a comprehensive program for implementation of the Code, including regular training of all employees and managers, as well as a whistle-blower channel for reporting concerns. All reported concerns are secured a full, fair and confidential handling.

For Code of Conduct, visit the Delta Electronics policies site.


Social responsibility

Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy is to conduct our worldwide operations in accordance with all applicable laws and to conform to the highest ethical standards, to comply with the laws of the countries in which we operate, and to conform to locally accepted standards of good corporate citizenship.

Our CSR principles; to act responsibly and respectfully, to contribute to social and economic development in markets where we operate, to make extra effort to enhance customers’ confidence, that we conduct business in an ethical and responsible manner, and to take the social, ethical and environmental impact of our products and services seriously in our work.

Learn about our environmental initiatives - Powering a greener future

Integrity and ethics

We foster a unified culture where the attitudes, behavior and performance of all employees are guided by our core values, shared across all companies in the Group. Our Code of Conduct covers all areas that are important for securing business ethics, and is a key management tool that influences all our actions and decision-making. 

People and workplace 

Health and safety is top priority. We are fully committed to developing and ensuring a safe, healthy and supportive environment for all employees, contractors and visitors. For us, legal requirements establish a minimum acceptable level. We are committed to achieving a measurable, progressive improvement in health and safety performance.

We are opposed to all discriminatory practices. We do not accept any direct or indirect negative discrimination on the basis of religion, skin color, gender, sexual orientation, age, national or social origin, race, disability, language, employee representation, political or other opinions.

We believe that our people are a key source of our competitive advantage. We work together as a team to achieve our ambitious goals.

Human rights

Our policy clearly states that we are committed to supporting and respecting internationally proclaimed human rights. All our representatives are required to respect the personal dignity, privacy, and rights of every individual they interact with during the course of their work, and shall not cause or contribute to the violation or circumvention of human rights. We recognize and respect the right to freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining in accordance with national laws and regulations.

We do not tolerate bullying, mental or sexual harassment, discriminatory gestures, language or physical contact that is, or can be, perceived as sexual, coercive, degrading, threatening, abusive or exploitative. 

We do not employ or contract child labor or any form of forced or compulsory labor.


We honor the culture, customs, history and laws of each country that we operate in. Wherever we do business, we actively promote and engage, both individually and with partners, in social contribution activities that help strengthen communities and contribute to the enrichment of society.


We are firmly opposed to all forms of corruption and will work to ensure that corruption does not occur in our business activities. Our policy is to comply with all applicable anti-corruption laws in places where we operate or is otherwise a subject.

Ethical trading 

Customers shall be met with insight, respect and understanding within the guidelines laid out in our core values and Code of Conduct. Each customer information shall be protected in accordance with the relevant regulations on protection of personal data.

We also seek to implement our standards throughout the supply chain - in the selection of suppliers, in contracts, and through monitoring and follow-up. The selection of suppliers is governed by established guidelines and routines, ensuring impartial and just treatment that creates trust in our selection processes. We are committed to maintain policies and systems that increase the awareness of responsible mineral sourcing among our suppliers and minimize the risk of conflict minerals finding the way into our supply chain.  

Learn more about our conflict minerals compliance 

We will always exercise due care in the selection and use of external representatives so that we under no circumstances become involved in corrupt or fraudulent activities conducted by our intermediaries.

We seek to promote fair and open competition in all markets. Under no circumstances shall we cause or be part of any breach or violation of relevant competition laws or regulations.

Public authorities shall be met in an open and appropriate manner.


Transparency Act, Norway

The Act promote enterprises’ respect for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions in connection with the production of goods and the provision of services and ensure the general public access to information regarding how enterprises address adverse impacts on fundamental human rights and decent working conditions.


For questions about our commitment to human rights, fair labor conditions, and related impacts on our operations and partnerships, please contact us using the link below.



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Jun 27, 2024
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